Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Catchup Post

I'm sorry for the extreme lack of updates!! It's pretty much...any time I'm not using on homework when I get home is time I don't get to sleep, sooooo yeah.. And I was lazy and didn't finish blogging over the weekend!

  • Today I got up at 8:30 and then went back to bed for a while.. haha, I can't believe I was still tired after all that!
  • For church I wore my pale green skirt with a white shirt and a yellow sweater over it, and
    I got to test drive my new pale yellow adorable heels I got before I left! They totally rule.
  • Church was nice, we sang a lot of hymns I knew!!
  • I got a Japanese bible when I came in this morning since the page numbers are in the program, and then I found the verses in my English bible, so I actually knew a little bit what was going on! It was talking about Paul visiting a city, and how the people there prayed to a lot of gods, and even had a shrine that said "To an Unknown God." But they were interested in hearing the gospel. The way it talked about the city's religiousness and the way religion played a role in their society reminded me some of Japan.
  • I might have accidentally told the lady from the Bible study class that I was going, but then I took off, ha...sorry!
  • I meant to do homework the rest of the day, but ended up spending a lot of time to go shop and eat with Greg, and then I just didn't do much the rest of the day!
My credit situation mostly got worked out, so I'm no longer hanging! Let that cat down! I'll be finishing up the language requirements of my major with 11 credits from Intensive Japanese (after taking a placement test when we get back. whatever.), and then getting another 3 for the media-ish class I'm in, so it all will work out nicely. Just took a lot of emails and explanations to get that far.

Here's a short recap of Monday:
  • Back to school again? Really? Didn't wanna go!!
  • Japanese was fine
  • Got lunch with Jen at our usual katsudon joint, which was delicious. We discussed our qualms with the intensive Japanese program here compared to what we're used to from U Va, but I'll write more on that later on.
  • A little bit of study time!
  • Japanese Symbolic Practice time!! I love this class!! I always get nervous we're going to do hardcore class discussion like in my MDST class, but we always end up in small groups discussing our field work. Our teacher is super awesome and hilarious, AND he let us out 30 minutes early. Best class ever.
  • Tonight's G-Splash was Hip Hop again. Turns out they're teaching us new, longer dance routines for the auditions, oh no! This one wasn't too tough, but the practice was run really sloppily. They just sort of started dancing without saying anything, and didn't take the time to explain it well at all. I was really irritated by the end of practice, and if it had been run that way from day 1 I probably wouldn't be very interested in joining.
  • Way too long of a train ride, Yoshinoya takeout, then home.
  • Did my homework (or so I thought....), then bed.
I'll try and get another post for today out before bed!


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