Sunday, May 11, 2008

3 Day Week

I have been toooo busy/lazy to blog!

  • After my big day of travel on Monday (haha) I stayed in on Tuesday and rested up since it was the last day of Golden Week and all. And I studied! I continued studying kanji and such and kind of did my homework. Yawn, I don't think anything important happened on Tuesday.
  • School again, ho hum.
  • We got our kanji tests back from last week, and I got a 44% on my kanji test. Yep you read it. I studied for like 8 hours for that thing. I think the key is to have studied properly for the quizzes and reviewed in between, and I had forgotten we had quizzes and not reviewed, thus the 44%. The cool part though was that I totally aced the kanji quiz we took Wednesday, so don't worry parents and teachers, I'm trying to get back on the right track =)
  • At lunch I went and picked up my hanko (stamp with your name on it for signing things) which is totally sweet. The guy at the shop is so nice though, and when I showed him my pickup slip, he was like "Ah! Wilson-saaan, Wiilsoon-saan" in kind of a sing-songy voice while he looked for my hanko, haha. After he found it, he started asking me things about America and New York and 9-11, and maybe about how he knew someone who died in 9-11.. I wasn't really sure, and I didn't really know what to say, so I left pretty soon after that.
  • I had some stuff to do for my other class so I didn't try and do the bank thing that day, and did class stuff instead.
  • Hometime after that, or so I intended. Instead, I ended up finding a place to get a haircut! I went to a place called "Wiki Wiki: A Beauty Shop" (that's right Mom and Dad and John, I went to the beauty shop this week! =D ) I knew I wanted it shorter, but I thought I might try and go for way shorter like I've always been wanting to since I'm in a foreign country and everything.
  • The haircut guy was soooo super nice and awesome, and talked to me a long time about the style I was choosing and my concerns about it and stuff. Then the whole time he kept coming up with things to talk to me about and he was just really nice and cool =) It was the second longest Japanese conversation experience I've had here so far. I've really gotta fix that somehow... but being in class with foreigners all morning (and sometimes afternoon) and knowing if I don't go home and do my homework and study I'm gonna keep getting 44% on my kanji tests, I'm really not sure what else to do..
  • My haircut turned out great! I was a little unsure at first if I really liked it or not, but I've been getting lots of nice compliments. It takes a little effort to style in the morning, but it's not bad at all. I feel hip and fresh. I'll put up pics some other time.
  • After haircut, I met up with Hunter, Greg, and Jeannette for dinner, except Jeannette and I didn't want what the guys picked so we ditched them for Mos Burger. I had a big late lunch, so I just got some chicken nuggets (JUST 5 CHICKEN NUGGETS COST OVER 300 YEN THERE, UUGHH MOSBURGER WHY)
  • Finally home, homework, you know the drill.
  • Class, yeah, whatever. We had a test on the last unit.
  • We presented our research topics in ethnography which was way cool! Three of ours were on some aspect of arcade gaming, so that was neat, and the class had a lot of good input. I love that class!
  • Then I went home, and that's about all I remember about Thursday!
  • Class. We got back our chapter tests from last week, and I got a 66% on my chapter test. *Sigh* But, again! I felt a whooole lot better about this week's test. I finished early, I didn't feel stumped by anything, etc etc.
  • I tried to get a bank account at Mizuho bank after that, but the lady was saying that I had to be living in Japan for 6 months to get one? I don't understand at all, Hunter and Teresa both got accounts at the same bank... I need to go back with some better dialogue prepared or a Japanese person or something... maybe Yuujiro could help me out.
  • I went to Harajuku and did some clothes shopping that afternoon and some other stuff that evening.
Saturday night was the first real G Splash practice, woo! We did cute little self-introductions for a long time, and then the rest of the night was all basics training. They kept saying like, we know this is boring, but you really need to learn it!! It was nice, we seem to have a nice group =) And we foreigners have decided that on Tuesday practices, we're not allowed to talk to each other! (well, for as long as we can stand it anyway) Only to Japanese people!

The rest of this weekend has been ok, but suuper rainy. And now my room is suddenly super cold again and it's making me just want to lay in bed all day! =/ Arrrg it seems Golden Week didn't recharge me as well as I had hoped it would.. I need to get my head in the game, I know. Bleh.


Johnathan said...

Beautiful shop. Nice. :) Don't get discouraged by the test scores. You'll get there. :)

Anonymous said...


School in Japan is hard desu ne? You are having so many problems that I never had (cell phone, bank, etc...) Maybe it's your town? Don't let the tests get you down! All of my tests were ridiculously hard and often contained things we never studied so I just came to expect failing them. ^_^ Only 2 kids out of the 60 who were in my level got A's...and I know that one of them had dropped down from a higher level because she didn't want to study *grumbles*

Anyway, I am getting ready for my Mexico trip...I leave in like 36 hours. My professor just emailed me and told me that I have to lug this super heavy book down there with me. booo. Oh well. I want to get this Mexico thing over with so that I can come to Japan and see you! YAY for international friends!

Muuurgh said...

Kudos for posting your grades on your blog ; )