Monday, April 14, 2008

Super Exhausting Day

Today was very tiring, and I'm very very sleepy with still some homework to finish, so I'll just to a short recap of today for now, in the ever-popular bulleted list form!

My Day:
  • Left for school with Jen and Greg
  • Found there to be a mass of people backed up at the ticket gates. The trains were down and delayed due to an accident.
  • Several packed trains later, we arrived at class 30 minutes late.
  • Class was ok.
  • Lunch was pretty good.
  • Spent the next two hours studying in the computer lab, trying not to fall asleep.
  • Met up with Greg and Jen to scope out Japanese Symbolic Practice course.
  • Totally awesome course, cool professor, interesting subject, will learn a lot but it'll be a lot of work too.
  • Bought book for that class, about $50 =/
  • Changed clothes for G Splash practice
  • G Splash practice! Crazy awesome workout and learned some cool hip hop moves.
  • Went to print out vaguely referred-to homework page from computer lab, waited around.
  • Took the trains home, everyone super exhausted and hungry.
  • Picked up some Yoshinoya takeout.
  • Picked up some snacks from Shop 99.
  • Ate said takeout with the gang in the kitchen, was delicious. Got Jen hooked on new chocolate snacks.
  • Homework, ugh.
  • Blog
  • THE FUTURE: more homework, Bible, sleep.
That's all for now! I might elaborate more later on, but maybe not. Nothing particularly interesting happened today I suppose. Back to work!

1 comment:

Jen said...


I would just like to say that, I did not finish the entire bag of chocolate snacks tonight. There are definitely...a few...left.