So that was the toy show! Nothing crazy innovative or whatever, but it was fun to go see =)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Tokyo Toy Show
Finally! It's my pics from the Tokyo Toy Show like....three weeks ago, haha!
Tokyo Big Sight! It's a crazy looking convention center! I think the top pyramid parts make up one large hall.. but all of the toy stuff was actually below all of this.
There was a big saw art piece over to the right... not sure what that's all about, haha.
It's a pretty big sight after all!
Stroller parking lot. I found this pretty interesting =)
One of the toys that won in this year's Japan best toy thing, the Unicorn Gundam, or some such.
This toy is HOT right now it seems. Japanese girls are big into things that have a dessert motif. I think because they want to appear cute and sweet, that's what their fashion is all about right now, and desserts are also cute and sweet. So this toy gives you some kind of mixture that you put into a decorating bag and design your own little dessert toys and accessories. Mom, I thought this one would be particularly interesting to you =) Notice the how-to sheets down there that show you how to use the different tips! There were ones on how to do different borders and lines too.
Some examples of what you can make.
Puzzles were also really big at the show. I was surprised! They were especially advertising these reeaallly tiny pieced puzzles.
Such tiny pieces!
They also had these 3-D food themed puzzles where you have to fit the blocks together to make some sushi or whatever. Some of them were kind of lame, like... fit these pieces of pineapple together in this glass the right way to get....a glass full of pineapple?
This one just made me laugh. This UFO thing kinda hovers magically in midair or whatever and wows your friends, but the whole setup and commercial was just full of these white kids being overdramatically impressed/surprised/frightened over the mystery UFO. Kinda reminded me of something you'd see on American TV, where you have to call in the 1-800 number, sorry no CODS (do they still even have those commercials?)
These were way cute! This whole booth was movie-based toys =) Tiny batmans!
Star Wars nesting dolls!
They also had really realistic figures, like this Joker!
I like to freak people out with this photo! Creeepy!
I'm too young to really remember Popples, but I remember some of my older cousins having their stuff, so I was really surprised to see them here! Are they making a comeback in the states? Maybe they're just hoping to market to the super sugary cute Japanese crowd right now.
View from the escalator (that you had to stand in about a 5 minute, roller-coaster style line for), where you can see all the families watching the act on the main stage (usually a young lady singing and acting with characters in costume, like Hello Kitty)
Yaay a Speed Racer booth! Small children could get their photo taken in the Mach 5! If only I was a small child..
Yeah you keep looking for a Trixie doll in there, little girl. You're not gonna find her.
Hey! It's a Blue Dragon! From the new game, Blue Dragon!
Zomg Speed and Trixie Barbies! Two of my favorite childhood memories combined! These are probably on the store shelves in America, but I'm never in any store that might sell toys so I just saw them at the show!! They look great!!!
Aaaahhh I haven't really wanted a Barbie doll in a loooong time, but... it's Trixie!! Maybe when I get home I'll go find one.. She looks so cute and mod!
Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!! Speed > Ken. I wonder how his hair looks!
An R2-D2 USB port! There was a Darth Vader head one too.
Power Rangers! They're still big as ever over here it seems! These guys were just mannequins, but there was a big stage to the right where they were acting out a battle for the little ones!
I thought this was cool. You go in this cave looking thing, which is the booth for this card game. Then they have these tables where you can sit and they teach you how to play! It reminded me of an anime called Angelic Layer where they kind of do the same thing, really help you get started in the game. It seemed like good marketing =)
This time, a red dragon! For that card game.
So they have these win-a-card little games around in the arcades and stuff, and I think you have to play some little game and depending on how you do you get some trading cards or playing cards for your series? They had a whole bunch set up here. It was fun to see the different types of people lined up. Kind of older kids to adults for like the DBZ, Naruto, and that monkey thing.. then younger kids... mostly boys, and then on the right was stuff like Pretty Cure 5 where it was all just little tiny girls lined up, hehehe.
So that was the toy show! Nothing crazy innovative or whatever, but it was fun to go see =)
So that was the toy show! Nothing crazy innovative or whatever, but it was fun to go see =)
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